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Plawres Sanshiro Episode 35

Plawres is a wrestling game that the players make their robots, which are about 30 cm tall, fight in the ring. The main character, Sugata Sanshiro, is a plawres player. Using his plawrestler, Juohmaru, he beats strong rivals.[ANN]

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megaupload.com[AnimeClipse]_Plawres_Sanshiro_Ep_35_(H.264)_[C8D5F820].mkvmkv214.06 MB
rapidshare.com_www.di-4.com_Plawres_Sanshiro_Ep_35.part1.rarrar154.37 MB
rapidshare.com_www.di-4.com_Plawres_Sanshiro_Ep_35.part2.rarrar59.68 MB
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